The Logo panel is located in the Customize accordion menu in the table editor. The options presented let users add a logo to a table to reinforce an organization’s branding, set the logo’s size and position it on the table.
Image: Click the drop-down list to select the logo to use. You can upload logos through the customize editor page.
Position: Click the drop-down list to select the primary location of the logo within the table.
Width (%): Enter a value to set the width of the logo. 100% width equals the width of the data table.
Min width (px): Enter a values to set the minimum pixel width of the logo.
Padding (px):Users can adjust the size of the space around the logo using the four padding textfields. Enter integer values to adjust the size of the top, right, bottom and left borders around the logo. Alternatively, use the up and down arrows next to the textfields to increase or the decrease the values shown. Set the values to “auto” to let everviz handle the sizing itself.