Heat map - chart type specific customization

Learn how to customize a heat map chart! 

Color stops

Add an extra stop by clicking "Add color stop", to add new levels and colors to your chart. The chart in the example is used to grade performance, displaying the outcome in different colors. Stop 1 has the value zero, which indicates that completely white squares are days where nothing has been done, i.e. the performance is zero. 

Adding more color stops can contribute to a better distinction between grades of performance. 

By clicking the trash can symbol next to the stops, you can delete the stop. 

By sliding the line up or down the color stops, you can change the grade of color which appears at the given value. 

Border size

Change the thickness of the border that separates the squares. 

From a smaller border: 
To a larger one: 

Border color

Add color to the border to make it stand out!

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