Line chart customizations

This page contains some typical line chart customizations.

Remove the connectors between point markers in a line

This workflow will show only the point markers in a line.  The point markers correspond to the data points in the data set. 
This is a great way to visualize this is with a combo chart where, for example, two series are assigned a column series type and a third is assign the line series type.

Go from this:

To this:

There are two ways to achieve this: using custom code or by setting line width in the advanced menu.

To remove the connecting lines:

1. In the advanced customization menu, select the relevant series and set the line width to 0

2. Open the custom code panel
3. Paste this code snippet in the panel

Highcharts.merge(true, options, {<br>  plotOptions: {<br>    line: {<br>      lineWidth: 0<br>    },<br>    series: {<br>      states: {<br>        hover: {<br>          lineWidthPlus: 0,<br>        }<br>      }<br>    }<br>  }<br>})

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