Integration with Dina

This doc explains how you can setup an integration between everviz and the Newsroom system, Dina

Generate a license

First, you need to generate a license key inside everviz.

Click on the left menu, and choose settings

If you haven't generated a license, click on the Generate license button to get the key.

Click on the copy key next to the key to copy the key to your clipboard

Setup integration in Dina

In Dina, open system settings and choose System settings.

Scroll down to HTML panels, and choose everviz

In the Panel URL field paste the following URL: KEY
Replace KEY with the license key you generated above

Also make sure Show in right nav bar is turned on

Using the everviz Panel in Dina

When everything is configured correctly, you should see the everviz panel in the right hand side of Dina

For each everviz project, there are two buttons. 

The left button with the URL symbol in it, you will use for repurposing this project in a Live video graphic in e.g. Flowics. Click this button to copy the URL to the chart.

The second button, with the HTML symbol, is used for embedding the chart into a CMS Instance in Dina. Click the button to copy the IFrame code for this chart. 

Embed everviz chart to a CMS Instance

In the CMS Instance, click on the HTML embed button in the editor

This gives you a placeholder where you can add everviz content

In the everviz panel, click on the embed button for the chart you would like to include. This copies the IFrame code to your clipboard.
Paste in the HTML content field in Dina

Use chart in Flowics

If you are using Flowics in Dina, you can easily compliment the Flowics graphics with beautiful charts and maps.

This time, click on the first button to copy the URL to the chart

Open the Flowics plugin and paste into your preferred graphics scene

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