

/editor/team/:teamid (authenticated)

Create or update editor config record by team

Note:Requires sending an authentication token either in the sessionid query argument,
or in the X-API-Key header. The token is returned from the login route.

Required Team Permissions

  1. customise_editor
Accepted Body Arguments

// The editor config details
details: string,
Accepted Restful Arguments

teamid: The id of the team to act on


/editor/division/:divisionid (authenticated)

Create or update editor config record by division

Note:Requires sending an authentication token either in the sessionid query argument,
or in the X-API-Key header. The token is returned from the login route.

Required Team Permissions

  1. customise_editor
Accepted Body Arguments

// The editor config details
details: string,
Accepted Restful Arguments

divisionid: undocumented



Get editor features by team

Accepted Restful Arguments

teamid: The id of the team to act on



Get editor features by division

Accepted Restful Arguments

divisionid: undocumented

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