Create a column chart in everviz

Follow the steps in this article to create a column chart in everviz.

Column charts are great for seeing the difference in values between different categories. Columns are an efficient visual cue that show how values and categories compare to each other, even if the scale isn’t known.

The example we’ll create lets us compare a country’s immigration, emigration and net migration figures over an eight-year period. This means we can then see how those three categories changed relative to each other and gain insight on migration trends.

To create a column chart:

  • Launch the project wizard and select Chart to launch the chart wizard
  • Select Column from the Chart type section to the left of the chart wizard’s screen. Notice that the preview pane changes to reflect the chart type you’ve chosen
  • Click Next to move to the Data step where you can enter this data for your chart
  • Click the top-left cell (A1) in the data table and press CTRL+A to select all the data in it
  • Press the delete key to remove the example data
  • Copy this example data and paste it into the data table at the top-left cell (A1). You’ll see the newly added data reflected in the preview chart
  • Click Next to move to the Design screen where you can choose a theme for your chart. Click an available theme to see how it looks, or stick with the default theme
  • Click Next to move to the Text & Annotations screen where you can add contextual information to your chart, such as a title, axis labels and a caption
  • Click Next to move to the Save or Publish screen where you can save your chart for later amendment or use, or publish your chart
  • Alternatively, you can click the Continue in Editor button to edit the chart further with more granular options
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